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Motor Club of America Income Opportunity

            ​When you become a member of Motor Club of America â€‹you receive over $150,000 worth in benefits and an income opportunity that will change your life forever. For just one $40 investment you can work at home full time and earn more than $1000 weekly. Working part time you can earn $560 a week just by referring just 1 person a day for an $80 commission.
             Making this type of income will definitely make life more comfortable. But that's not all! You also receive a residual income, when one of your personal members refer a new member you get a $6.00 override commission when ever that happens.  When that person sells a membership you get a $1.32 commission plus $.66 per month for the life of the new member. 
            You are probably thinking to yourself that this is really a great opportunity or that this is too good to be true, either way, down below are a few videos of people that took advantage of this great opportunity and made it work. These are people like you and me, if they can do this you can too... 


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